Georgia’s 1st Birthday

First Birthday 1st Party Pink Melbourne Decor

I photograph a lot of 1st birthdays (kids birthdays in general, but 1st bdays make up the bulk of that category), and I genuinely truly love it. It hardly feels like work at all - the spaces are set up with so many cool little details, there’s always so many activities for the kids to do, and anywhere I turn there’s opportunity for fun candids (which is my favourite part!)

One of my favourite 1st bdays lately was Georgia’s! The most STUNNING set up at Gasworks in Albert Park, coupled with cool games and the happiest little one year old gal, made for such a fun party!

(The coffee tab at the park cafe for the adults didn’t hurt either, hehe)

First Birthday 1st Party Pink Melbourne Decor Grazing Table

Firstly, can we get some commotion for how her mum Rhiannon set up the space for the party?

(Don’t mind me over here salivating over that dessert station!)

How fun is the drinks station! Fruity (non-alc) punch for the parents, and raspberry smoothies all ready for the kiddies!

And the personalised chocolates as wedding favours?! Amazing.

The balloon arbour made a perfect backdrop for everyone to have a turn holding the birthday girl for a pic!

Seriously, what a cutie.. loving herself sick in her fluffy coat!

Rhiannon’s other genius move for the party was recruiting a ‘fairy’ to come along and entertain the kids! Something nice and structured that the adults can watch and help supervise but not have to actively entertain the kids for a bit!

First Birthday 1st Party Pink Melbourne Decor Family Photos

She provided puppets and songs…

First Birthday 1st Party Pink Melbourne Decor Family Photos
First Birthday 1st Party Pink Melbourne Decor Family Photos

.. a super fun rainbow parachute adventure!

First Birthday 1st Party Pink Melbourne Decor Family Photos Balloon Animals

Not to mention the ever-popular balloon animals, always SUCH a hit with the kids.

First Birthday 1st Party Pink Melbourne Decor Family Photos face Painting

She even whipped out the face paint for the kids who were happy to sit still (the birthday girl was not about the face paint, haha!)

The birthday girl had the best time!

I do like to try nicely capture as many of the other kids as I can as well, so their parents can also benefit and have cute photos of their kids at the party.

But of course, it’s all about the birthday girl!

First Birthday 1st Party Pink Melbourne Decor Family Photos

She had the best time with all her family and friends!

But sadly, it was time for me to go… one last goodbye!

Bye Georgia! Thanks for a fun day!

Seriously, how good are kids parties. If you’re thinking about it for your bub, I can’t recommend enough. You don’t have to go super extra on decor or anything, but having family and friends together making memories has got to be worth it, right?


Feeling (20)22


Rahul and Nikki